Department of Philosophy ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The department was lead since its foundation by Otakar A. Funda. In years 1995-1998 the De headed by Miloš Havelka who was succeeded by Miroslav Pauza. The Department of Philosophy Hogenová since 2001. Philosophy is currently a separate field of study at the Faculty and it is possible to com Hussite Theology, Orthodox Theology and Jewish Studies in Bachelor as well as Master Study Philosophy is a traditional prerequisite for studying Theology. This is why the Department with other theological departments in teaching theological subjects. The objective of studying Philosophy at the Hussite Theological Faculty is to look into th of philosophical thought from antiquity to present regarding Philosophy in Christian, Jewi tradition. Students study Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Logics and Ethics and thanks to the classical languages they are able to read and analyze some philosophical texts in the sour members of the Department are concerned with Corporal Philosophy and corporeality, Phenome Philosophy, Czech Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Ethics and Logics.