Health Insurance and Medical Care ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** All insured incoming students (including EHIC cardholders) have an access to urgent, state healthcare during their stay in the Czech Republic. To obtain relevant medical treatment, register your EHIC blue card at one of the Czech health insurance providers. Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP) is recommended as the largest health care provider in Republic with the highest number of cooperating doctors. The VZP is also the only insuranc available for citizens from countries outside EU/EFTA. You can register at any branch of V the branch Na Perštýně 6, 110 00 Praha 1 is located directly in the city centre). Please k register as soon as possible after your arrival. You can proceed to the VZP registration p this link [ URL " insurance/"] . After showing the EHIC card or a confirmation that substitutes the card, the health insura immediately issue a registration document with a registration number with a Czech health i Later, if you need to see a doctor, take this document along with the EHIC card. We highly recommended to register your EHIC card as soon as possible after arrival and do you are not feeling well. In the Czech Republic, non-prescription drugs and medicines are sold only in pharmacies. T available at supermarkets, as in many West European countries. Pharmacies may be recognise prominent green cross-displayed over the shop-front. Many have staff who can speak English are used to offering advice to tourists (especially in the city centres). However, if you get to the pharmacy for any reason, you can use one of the delivery services as"]