About the Faculty

The Hussite Theological Faculty is a multidisciplinary oriented theological faculty. The Faculty prepares students for academic work, ministerial service and various professions in education, culture, social services, state administration or politics as well as services abroad. The Hussite Theological Faculty is from its very beginnings bound with the Czechoslovak Hussite Church which was established at the beginning of 1920 from the Catholic Modernist movement.

The studies and academic work at the Faculty is however accessible to everyone regardless of their convictions, sex, race, political affiliations or worldview. The Faculty respects the convictions of its students and is religiously tolerant as proved by the variety of the fields of study on offer.

The Hussite Theological Faculty currently offers theological studies of three Christian convictions – Hussite theology, Orthodox theology and Old Catholic theology as well as Jewish studies, Religious studies, Philosophy and other non-theological fields of study such as social and charity work and pedagogy.

Last change: December 22, 2014 16:42 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

Pacovská 350/4

Prague 4

140 21

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 222 539 200

Fax: +420 241 732 294

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