Theologická revue

Theological review was first published in 1929 by the central of the Czechoslovak Church under the original name of The Religious Review of the Czechoslovak Church, the role of editor-in-chief taken on by Professor of New Testament PhDr. et ThDr. František Kovář. Theological Review is published four times a year. It is included in the register of peer-reviewed, non-impact periodicals published in the Czech Republic and has been included in the EBSCO Publishing database since 2019.

Editorial staff

Editor-in-chief: Prof. ThDr. Jan Blahoslav Lášek, Dr. h. c.

Deputy Editor: doc. ThDr. Kamila Veverková, Ph.D.

Secretary Responsible for the Editorial Team: ThDr. Marketa Langer, Ph.D.

Editorial Board

prof. PhDr. Alexander Kolesnyk, DrSc. (Berlin)

prof. ThDr. Jan Blahoslav Lášek, Dr. h. c. (Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University)

prof. ThDr. Karel Skalický, Th.D. (Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice)

prof. Dr. Thomas Kothmann (Universität Regensburg)

prof. zw. Dr. hab. Czeslaw Glombik (Silesian University in Katowice)

prof. Dr. Peter Kónya, PhD., Dr.h.c. (University of Presov)

doc. Dr. Olexandr Bilash PhD (Uzhhorod National University)

doc. ThDr. Jiří Vogel, CSc. (Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University)

doc. ThDr. Kamila Veverková, ThD. (Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University)

doc. PhDr. Bedřich Nosek, CSc. (Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University)

doc. PhDr. Pavel Boček, CSc. (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University)

ThDr. Petr Šandera, Th.D. (Czechoslovak Hussite Church)

PhDr Jiří Beneš, (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

Rev. Georgy Kochetkov (St. Philaret‘s Orthodox Christian Institute, Moscow)

Dr. L. J. Mussina (St. Philaret‘s Orthodox Christian Institute, Moscow)

Dr. Peter Wörster (Herder-Institut, Marburg)

† Dr. Theol. Wolfgang Stingl (Institut für Kirchengeschichte von Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien, Nidda (Federal Republic of Germany)

† prof. Hans-Dieter Döpmann (Berlin)

Typography and design

Typography and design: ThDr. Marketa Langer, Ph.D.

Cover: Josef Karhan

Print: PBprint a.s.

ISSN 1211 7617


Hussite Theological Faculty - Charles University

Theological Review

Pacovská 350/4

140 21 Praha 4 - Krč,

Czech Republic

Contact: ThDr. Marketa Langer, Ph.D.

Tel.: +420 222 539 210


Last change: November 30, 2023 10:49 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

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Prague 4

140 21

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 222 539 200

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