Exchange study (Erasmus+)

Study at Charles University can be interesting for many reasons. Some of them probably made you visit this page and look for more information. If you want to enrich your life by experience in Central Europe, Charles University with its three seats Prague (14 faculties), Hradec Králové (2 faculties) and Pilsen (1 faculty) is an excellent place. You can choose from various courses in English, German, French and in Czech. The Czech Republic is a small country in the centre of Europe. Thanks to its location at the crossroads of various cultures, the Czech Republic has countless cultural and historical points of interest.

Since 1998, Charles University has been active in the Erasmus programme (former Socrates/Erasmus and LLP/Erasmus; now Erasmus+) with a steadily growing number of student and teacher exchanges. Today Charles University has signed over 4800 Inter-Institutional Agreements with about 1000 partner institutions.

What it looks like at the Hussite Theological Faculty

Erasmus+ coordinator:

MgA. Marko Mannsberger

Support of international contacts and mobility of IN / OUT students



Tel.: +420 222 539 209

Kancelář/Office: H108

Last change: February 27, 2025 09:14 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

Pacovská 350/4

Prague 4

140 21

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 222 539 200

Fax: +420 241 732 294

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