

Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

Pacovská 350/4

Prague 4, 140 21

Czech Republic

Phone switch:

+420 222 539 200

Direct dial:

+420 222 539 + line

Faculty lines (.pdf)

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208

GPS: 50°2'42.233'' N; 14°26'30.206'' E


doc. ThDr. Jiří Vogel, Th.D.

Dean's Assistant:

Mgr. Silvie Chytrá Dratvová

Vice-Dean for Science and Research:

prof. ThDr. Jan B. Lášek, Dr.h.c.

Vice-Dean for Study Affairs and Study Conception:

doc. Ing. Mgr. ThDr. Kamila Veverková, Th.D.

Vice-Dean for Development:

doc. PhDr. Jiří Pavlík, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jiří Navrátil

Study and Students' Affairs Division:

Ondřej Dvořák, DiS.

Department of Science, Ph.D. Studies and International Relations:

ThDr. Viktorie Slováková, Ph.D.

Last change: November 15, 2024 09:46 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

Pacovská 350/4

Prague 4

140 21

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 222 539 200

Fax: +420 241 732 294

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