Department of Practical Theology

Practical Theology and its individual fields of study are connected to Church practice within present society. The beginnings of systematic education in practical theology in the Czechoslovak Church are connected mainly to the theological Dormitory of the Czechoslovak Church and its director, later the third patriarch František Kovář (1926 – 1930). The lectures on Church law, Homiletics, Liturgics, Catechetics and also parish administration (keeping parish registers) were a part of priests’ preparation. The second patriarch Gustav Adolf Procházka also focused on the practical sides of clerical administration and pastoral tasks of future priests. A separate Department of Practical Theology was established at the Hus Czechoslovak Theological Faculty (1950) lead subsequently by Otto Rutrle (1950-1961), Rudolf Horský (1964-1980) and Milan Salajka (1980-1998) together with Jiřina Kubíková (1980-1990) and Ján Liguš (1991) who is currently the head of the Department. The teaching of Practical Theology was gradually extended by the topics of Ecumenism and Church orders (M. Salajka), Missiology (J. Kubíková) and Interpersonal Communication (J. Liguš).

The members of the Department focus on pastoral consultancy, cleric and pastoral work, Homiletics and Catechetics, history of liturgy and Liturgics, Ecumenical Convergence and Rhetoric. The Department collaborates at teaching theological and non-theological fields and offers also education in modern languages, Liturgical singing and playing keyboard instruments.

Research Area

Hermeneutics and Interpersonal Communication in Church practice; Liturgy and Theology of Sacraments in Bohemian Reformation; Liturgy of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church and the Ecumenical Movement of Liturgical Restoration; Pastoral work in specific services; religious and philosophical pedagogy.

Last change: December 28, 2014 13:34 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

Pacovská 350/4

Prague 4

140 21

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 222 539 200

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