Department of Religious Studies

The archeologist and cuneiform researcher Blahoslav Hruška led the “Department of Religious Studies and Theory” from 1998 to 2004 when the scholar on religion Jiří Gebelt became the head of the “Department of Religious studies”. From 2008 to 2010 the Department was led by the Orientalist and Africanist Luboš Kropáček. The head of the Department is currently the scholar on religion Zdeněk Vojtíšek.

Religious studies are a separate field of study at the Hussite Theological Faculty. It is currently possible to combine it with Hussite theology, Orthodox theology or Jewish studies in Bachelor as well as Master Study Program.

Similarly to other Religious Studies university workplaces the aim of Religious studies at the Hussite Theological Faculty is to thematise individual religions of the past and present and to reflect upon the issues connected to scientific study of religion. In the history of Christendom and Judaism the Department collaborates with other workplaces of the Hussite Theological Faculty. The root members of the Department focus on research and teaching religion of ancient Near East, esoteric traditions and new religious movements, history and current issues of Islam and Philosophically-religious traditions of India and China. Bearing in mind that religious cognition is culturally conditioned and of a constructive nature, the members of the Department of Religious Studies also research the discipline itself, its history, looking into its solutions and prerequisites and methods of religious research.

Last change: June 3, 2015 14:30 


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