Courses for exchange students

Courses Taught in English and in Other Foreign Languages

During your Erasmus study stay at Charles University in Prague you will belong to one of the 17 faculties the university is formed out. The faculties are fairly independent and receive funding per student's head. Also all our Erasmus agreements are always linked with one faculty only.

This is why you need to remember this important rule: you must   TAKE MIN. 51 % of your subjects from the offer of your host faculty. 

The rest (max. 49% of subjects) can be selected from the other faculties of Charles University - if they correspond with your study field and there are places free in the course.

Every faculty offers a variety of courses and seminars in English, German, French and other foreign languages. Most of the faculties present the lists of courses on their websites - as listed below. Please, note that the final timetables are never known until ca. 14 days before the start of semester!


Student Information System (SIS)

Notice to Student Information System (SIS): On the web side above is settled in the column "Faculty" - Hussite Theological Faculty. When you would like to see other courses in other faculties, only change the column Faculty.

Know how SIS - Student information system video

Erasmus Intensive Czech Language Courses

The Erasmus Intensive Czech Language Courses are open to students who have been selected for Erasmus+ study/placement for free.

The courses are organised in the co-operation between the European Office and the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies, of Charles University.

The courses run at the beginning of September (winter semester arrivals) and between ca. January 20th and February 10th (summer semester arrivals).

Last change: March 28, 2022 13:27 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

Pacovská 350/4

Prague 4

140 21

Czech Republic

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