• Departments
  • Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Ethics

Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Ethics

The Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Ethics has been preparing theologically educated social workers since 1995 when it was first established as the Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Ethics under the leadership of prof. Helena Haškovcová. From 1998 to 2002 it operated as the “Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Special Ethics”. Currently the head of the Department of Psychosocial Science and Ethics is prof. Beáta Krahulcová.

The Department offers a separate Social and Charity Work field of study in Bachelor’s as well as Master’s Study Programs. The members of the Department integrate their scientific and publishing activities with teaching professional skills and personal development which are both necessary for providing professional effective and ethical social work in a demanding social environment. The issues of social work and social service within the Church and non-Church environment, state administration and humanitarian and charity work are in particular addressed. This education gives graduates professional orientation in issues of contemporary society, in the social environment, psychology and psychopathology and in special communication techniques. It prepares them for work in social programs, for making and carrying out new concepts and methods of social work and social services and also to have an open and human approach towards individuals as well as risk social or population target groups.

Last change: December 22, 2014 21:43 


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