
Accommodation at Halls of Residence of Charles University

  • Students apply for an accommodation at the CU Dormitories whensubmitting an online application.

  • The double rooms are a standard. The capacity of single rooms is verylimited and can be considered based on special reasons (health issuesmostly). It is required to send a request addresed to the European Officealong with the relevant documents approving such a need.

  • For more information about the CU Dormitories check out the website:

Accommodation is provided in Charles University Halls of Residence (= dormitories). Students are housed in double-occupancy rooms. Single rooms are generally not available. (Exceptions can be made for Ph.D. students or students with health problems and students with special needs. Please, contact if you belong to one of these groups.)

Unit system consists of twin rooms (= double room with two separate beds) sharing bathroom facilities (shower and wc) in the case of Hostivař and Trója Halls of Residence. In Hvězda and Větrník Halls of Residence bathroom facilities are shared between more rooms. A small kitchenette is usually at the end of each corridor (Hostivař, Větrník, Hvězda). In Trója two rooms share one kitchenette. Students can also use a lavatory and hanging rooms in the building (keys are available at the reception against a small fee). Bedding and bed linen are provided in all our halls (bed linen is exchanged regularly); towels and kitchen utensils (such as pans, plates, cups etc.) are not.

Rooms are allocated to students based on their host faculty (students of one faculty are usually housed together); if you state your preference in any of the halls of residence in the Erasmus online registration, we will try to allocate you a room corresponding with your wishes (in Prague Erasmus students can be housed in following four residences: Hostivař, Větrník, Trója, Hvězda); in Hradec Králové Erasmus students usually stay in Na Kotli Residence; in Pilsen Erasmus students mostly live in Bolevecká Hall of Residence.

The allocation of rooms is responsibility of the management of the residence hall - if you wish to share a room with a colleague (schoolmate) of yours, please, ask the Accommodation Office (Reception) on your arrival or contact the European Office at the email address with the request in advance. You can also state your preference of roommate in the Erasmus online registration.

The accommodation will be provided for the period corresponding to your study stay at Charles University.

In winter semester the rooms are available starting approximatelly one week before the beginning of the semester/study period, orientation week or dates included. In summer semester the rooms are available max. 1-3 days in advance (see the date on your accommodation voucher!) as the semesters overlap and winter semester students are still accommodated in the dormitories until the arrival of the summer semester students. Students need not make any special request to move in during these days.

You will be notified of details of your accommodation in the Accommodation Voucher that you will receive together with your Letter of Admission. Please contact the European Office if you need accommodation for a period that differs from your study period for good

The address of the student residence is specified in the Accommodation Voucher.

The exact price and period of your stay will be confirmed in the Accommodation Voucher.

Students who wish to come earlier than when the rooms are generally available (see above) will have to find their own accommodation.

Please note: if you decide to cancel the accommodation you will not be able to reapply for accommodation in CU Residence Halls!


- application for a place in one of CU halls of residence needs to be submitted in the Erasmus online registration

- please, always inform us if you wish to cancel the Charles University accommodation, especially after the online application deadline (June 15th or October 31st), via email to: erasmus@ruk.cuni.czNot paying the deposit does not substitute for a cancellation.

- note that a booking deposit needs to be paid approximately 2 months before your move into the residence (= arrival date to one of our university cities)

To check-in you need: your passport, the original of your Accommodation Voucher, one photograph and the confirmation of the deposit payment. Students who arrive after office hours will be housed for the night only and registered on the following workday at the Accommodation Office. If you do not stop in the Accommodation Office within 1-3 next workdays, please, note that you might be excluded from the university accommodation.

The rent is paid directly in cash (CZK) or by card at the Accommodation Office/Reception at the appropriate residence. Please, keep the office hours!

Students make the first payment upon their arrival (for details see the leaflet of your hall of residence) and must make subsequent monthly payments in advance - always at the latest on the 20th of the preceding month (the administration staff of the dormitory can send you an email reminder with dates of payment for the next month).

Accommodation Charges:

Students on the Erasmus programme will be accommodated in two-bed rooms. The prices differ depending on the length of time for which the student makes an accommodation agreement, and depending on the fixtures of the room (rooms equipped with their own bathroom facilities are more expensive; rooms sharing bathroom facilities in the corridor cost less).

A deposit 1800 CZK + approximate first month's rent (about 3800 CZK - see the appropriate information email for details) = 5600 CZK is to be paid approximately 2 months before arrival.

If a student wishes to leave the accommodation earlier than is stated in the accommodation contract, he or she will have to pay a penalty charge that will be deducted from the advance part of the payment.

Accommodation contract and other useful information in English is available at

Please, do not try to book the university accommodation directly through the Accommodation Services (link above). You will not be allowed to as Erasmus student and your booking would be cancelled. The only correct way to apply for Charles University accommodation is via the Erasmus online registration.

Dormitories used for the ERASMUS programme in Prague:

Hostivař Hall of Residence - Information Leaflet

Větrník Hall of Residence - Information Leaflet

Hvězda Hall of Residence - Information Leaflet

Trója Hall of Residence - Information Leaflet

Dormitories used for the ERASMUS programme in Pilsen or Hradec Králové:

Please, approach your host faculty co-ordinator for your accommodation facility details if you study in Pilsen or Hradec Králové. In Hradec Králové Erasmus students usually stay in Na Kotli Hall of Residence; in Pilsen Erasmus students mostly live in Bolevecká Hall of Residence.

Private Accommodation

It is not difficult to find private accommodation in our university cities. For a small flat (two rooms and a kitchen) in Prague you can pay about 15.000 CZK. It can be twice as cheap in Pilsen and Hradec Králové.

You can contact various letting agencies.

Please, keep on mind that the rental prices in the historical centres of our university cities will be more expensive and can be even double so much than stated above!

If you decide not to use the University accommodation we need you to inform us as soon as you have fixed your private accommodation.

Please, cancel your university accommodation booking at Thank you.

Last change: February 9, 2022 10:36 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

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Czech Republic

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