doc. ThDr. Jiří Gebelt, Th.D.

Jiří Gebelt (*1968) is an associate professor at the Department of Religious Studies of the Hussite Faculty of Theology at Charles University. Researcher and lecturer with 20 years of experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses focusing on early Christianity, rituals, ancient Gnosticism, theory and methodology of religious studies, and the Mandaeans. On mentioned topics, he has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, completed research and lecture stays at foreign universities (Bayreuth, Jena, Heidelberg), and conducted several field research among the Mandaeans. The author of a monograph on conditions of religious-ethnic minorities in the Near East and translator of academic literature into Czech (f. e. Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism by Kurt Rudolph). Guarantor of the doctoral study program Early Christian Studies.

Publications (selection of the last five years)

Studies and chapters in monographs

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Rituální studia a rané křesťanství“ [Ritual Studies and Early Christianity], Studia Theologica 2024 (roč. 26), 1, 43–65. (DOI: 10.5507/sth.2023.061).

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Rituální praxe a ortodoxie: příspěvek ke studiu antického křesťanství“ [Ritual Practice and Orthodoxy: A Contribution to the Study of Ancient Christianity], Theologická revue, 2022, 93, ISSN 1211-7617. (in print)

  • Jiří Gebelt a Magdalena Vytlačilová, „Gnóze a janovské křesťanství jako kategorie“ [Gnosis and Johannine Christianity as analytical categories. Contribution to the creation and use of categories in the social sciences], Theologická Revue 2021, 92, 120–149. ISSN 1211-7617.

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Warum Syro-Palästina? Thesen zu den Anfängen der Mandäer“, in: Wolf B. Oerter — Zuzana Vítková, Coptica, Gnostica und Mandaica: Sprache, Literatur und Kunst als Medien interreligiöser Begegnung(en), (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 181), Berlin — Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2020, 153–186. (

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Ježíš Kristus a křesťanství v mandejském náboženství“ [Jesus Christ and Christianity in the Mandaean Religion], Parrésia2018, 12, 241–251. ISSN 1802–8209.

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Proměny rituálů a migrace - koncept přenosu rituálů na příkladu mandejských rituálů“ [Ritual transformation and migration: The concept of the transfer of ritual applied to Mandaean rituals], Pantheon 2018, 12, 49–71. ISSN 1803–2443. 

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Menšinové nábožensko-etnické skupiny na Blízkém východě” [Ethno-religious minorities in the Middle East], in: Jiří Gebelt a kol, Ve stínu islámu: Menšinová náboženství na Blízkém východě [In the Shadow of Islam. Minority religions in the Middle East], Vyšehrad Praha 2016, 11-29. ISBN 978-80-7429-692-5.

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Mandejci“ [The Mandaeans], in: Jiří Gebelt a kol, Ve stínu islámu: Menšinová náboženství na Blízkém východě [In the Shadow of Islam. Minority religions in the Middle East], Vyšehrad Praha 2016, 380-410. ISBN 978-80-7429-692-5.


  • Jiří Gebelt, „D. Hellholm — D. Sänger (eds.), The Eucharist – Its Origins and Contexts: Volume I Old Testament, Early Judaism, New Testament, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018“, Theologická revue 2022 (vol. 93), 3, (in print).

  • Jiří Gebelt, „D. Hellholm — D. Sänger (eds.), The Eucharist – Its Origins and Contexts: Volume II Patristic traditions, Iconography, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018“, Theologická revue 2022 (vol. 93), 3, (in print).

  • Jiří Gebelt, „D. Hellholm — D. Sänger (eds.), The Eucharist – Its Origins and Contexts: Volume III Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Traditions, Archeology, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018“, Theologická revue 2022 (vol. 93), 3, (in print).

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Ulrich Berner, Religionswissenschaft: historisch orientiert, (Basiswissen Theologie und Religionswissenschaft)“, Theologická revue 2022 (roč. 93), 2, 215-220.

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Joel Marcus, John the Baptist in History and Theology, Columbia, South Carolina: The University of South Carolina Press, 2018“, Reading Religion 4/2022. ISSN 2475–207X. (online)

  • Jiří Gebelt, „R. E. DeMaris ‒ J. T. Lamoreaux ‒ S. C. Muir, Early Christian Ritual Life. London ‒ New York: Routledge 2018“, Studia Theologica 2022, 24, 169–175. ISSN 1212-8570.

  • Jiří Gebelt, „S. R. Turley. The ritualized revelation of the Messianic age: Washings and meals in Galatians and 1 Corinthians. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark 2018“, Theologická revue 2022, 93. (in print). ISSN 1211-7617.

  • Jiří Gebelt, „Gerd Theißen, `Veränderungspräsenz und Tabubruch: Die Ritualdynamik urchristlicher Sakramente`, Berlin: Münster LIT 2017.“, Theologická revue 2020, 91, 235–241. ISSN 1211-7617. 

All texts are available for download at

Research focus

  • theory and methods in the Study of religions

  • Mandaeans

  • Gnosticism

  • Early Christianity

  • ritual theory

Courses taught

  • Early Christianity

  • Key Terms in Contemporary Study of Religions

  • Key Texts in Contemporary Study of Religions

  • Orthodoxy and heresy in early Christianity

  • Early Christian Studies - Methodological seminar

  • Hermeneutics for Religious Studies

  • Sociology of Religion: Selected Approaches

  • Anthropology of Religion: Selected Approaches

  • Introduction to the Study of Religions

  • Introduction to the Study of Religions Research Methods

  • Study of Religions: Basic Problems

  • Gnosticism: selected research problems

  • Ritual practice of the Mandaeans

  • Ritual theories 

  • Early Christian practice and institution

Last change: September 2, 2024 11:42 


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