
Application for the State Rigorous Examination

The application for the rigorosum examination is submitted on a special form, which can be downloaded here (docx), (pdf).

Required attachments to the application

  • The officially certified copy of the master's diploma including the diploma supplement or the certificate of the award of this degree pursuant to Act No. 172/1990 Coll. or an officially certified copy of the master's diploma pursuant to Act No. 111/1998 Coll, or an officially certified copy of a document of nostrification of a foreign higher education institution pursuant to Decree No 476/1990 Coll. of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic or an officially certified copy of a certificate of recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications pursuant to Sections 89-90 of Act No 111/1998 Coll. or an officially certified copy of a state examination certificate in the field of study or an officially certified copy of a diploma supplement.

  • The abstract of no more than one A4 page in English

  • The applicant's professional CV

  • Registration sheet - download here. The name of the consultant is indicated on the registration sheet. In this case, it is necessary that the consultant expresses his/her consent to this function and to the title of the rigorous thesis and adds his/her handwritten signature and date. Consultants may be professors, associate professors and assistant professors (Ph.D., Th.D., CSc., DrSc.) of the Hussite Faculty of Theology of Charles University.

Fee for the rigorosum procedure

The fees for the rigorosum procedure are set by Dean's Measure No. 5/2021 .

  • the amount of the fee for acts related to the acceptance of the application for the state rigorosum examination and the holding of this examination is

    CZK 9000

  • the amount of the lump sum reimbursement of costs associated with the use of the Faculty's equipment and information technology and the provision of consultations by academic staff and experts approved by the Scientific Council is CZK 3000

  • The fee and the compensation referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) of the Rigorosum Examination Code of Charles University are payable within 30 days of the submission of the application for the State Rigorous Examination. The fee and the lump sum refund are non-refundable.

Payment of fees is made

  • cash payment at the faculty cash desk, or

  • cashless payment to the faculty account 66661389/0800, constant symbol 0379,

    variable symbol: applicant's birth number

Last change: August 22, 2022 13:37 


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