The study focuses on the formative period of early Christianity, i.e., the period from its inception, persecution by Roman authorities until its establishment as the state religion of the Roman Empire. The subjects are divided into four sections consisting of the following topics:
1) Orthodoxy and heresy in early Christianity
2) Literary genres and work with literature
3) Early Christian practice and institutions
4) Contexts of early Christianity.
Characteristic of Graduate
Characteristic of Graduate
The graduate is extensively acquainted with early Christianity and its partial problems at the level of the current state of research. The graduate is capable of independent scientific work and critical reflections on the themes of early Christianity. The graduate works with documents in their original language (Greek and Latin), understands research and handles it critically. The graduate is able to speak orally at such a level that he or she regularly publishes the results of his or her research in the form of studies and participation in conferences.
The graduate has an in-depth understanding of early Christianity and the problems of its study. The graduate works with documents in their original language (Greek and Latin) and handles them critically. The graduate is capable of oral and written expression at such a level that he or she regularly publishes the results of his or her research. A large part of abilities and skills (method of expression, work with religious texts, critical thinking, etc.) is transferable to other areas.
P0221D10A3817 Early Christian Studies (full-time study and part-time study)
The study is carried out according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor, possibly with the participation of a consultant. The supervisor is always a habilitated - academic or scientific - employee in an employment relationship with the faculty. The details of doctoral studies are regulated by the Study and Examination Regulations of Charles University as amended and related regulations.
The individual study plan must be designed so that all study obligations are met by the end of the third year of study, and in the final year of the standard period of study, the student can devote to completing his / her dissertation and preparing for the state doctoral examination.
The individual study plan is divided into the following parts to fulfill study obligations:
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