Hussite Theology

Characteristic of Study

The doctoral study programme “Theology”, the branch of study “Hussite theology” with standard length of study of four years prepares students for independent scientific research and independent creative activities in the area of theology. The branch of study enables students to specialize according to his or her individual study plan. The branch of study provides knowledge of hermeneutical approaches and applies them in the contemporary theological discourse and also in the dialogue with confessional approaches of other theological systems. The subject of the studies is a theological compendium interpreted in the course of the Hussite theology. The goal of the studies is a scientific preparation of first-rate experts that are capable of independent scientific work in the area of theology. The branch is simultaneously oriented to awareness of the fact that from the very beginning there is an effort to new understanding and new interpretation of fundamental theological notions. Thereby the branch is in context with other concepts that were overcoming a metaphysical conception of the world. It deals with the key questions of the Christian belief and Christ presence in this world. Students of the branch have got an opportunity to learn how the questions are practically manifested in current social science of the church as well.

Characteristic of Graduate

A graduate proves detailed knowledge in the area of Hussite theology at contemporary level and knows the history of his or her branch of study. He or she is an expert in reformatory theological thinking, even in the interdisciplinary context. He or she knows basic facts on theological evolution in the area, understands a position of that area in current theology and expresses opinions corresponding with contemporary scientific knowledge on the grounds of his or her own critical judgment. He or she has deepened his or her knowledge of classical language. A graduate is able to apply his or her acquired theoretical knowledge contextually and also analyses and interprets religious texts. He or she is prepared for working as a member of the academic staff at the university, a scientific worker in the area of social sciences, a manager in a non-profit, cultural and state organization and the Czechoslovak Hussite Church.

P0221D100021 Hussite theology (full-time study and part-time study)

The study is carried out according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor, possibly with the participation of a consultant. The supervisor is always a habilitated - academic or scientific - employee in an employment relationship with the faculty. The details of doctoral studies are regulated by the Study and Examination Regulations of Charles University as amended and related regulations.

The individual study plan must be designed so that all study obligations are met by the end of the third year of study, and in the final year of the standard period of study, the student can devote to completing his / her dissertation and preparing for the state doctoral examination.

The individual study plan is divided into the following parts to fulfill study obligations:

Last change: November 28, 2020 12:52 


Hussite Theological Faculty

Charles University

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Prague 4

140 21

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 222 539 200

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