Theology/Hussite Theology

The required subject is systematic theology (Hussite), and the candidate chooses one of the other theological subjects (biblical theology, practical theology, church history).

According to paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Rigorous Examination Regulations of Charles University, the state rigorous examination consists of two parts: the oral examination and the defense of a rigorous thesis.

In the programmes of Hussite Theology and Orthodox Theology, the oral examination consists of (among other things) the Latin, Greek, or Hebrew language. If a candidate has already passed an examination in one of these languages as part of his/her Master’s studies with an “excellent” or “very good” grade, this examination may be recognized by the Dean at his/her request.

HUSSITE SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY – Obligatory Subject / Required Course


  • Zdeněk Kučera, Does Post-modern Theologie Come? In: Theology and Life. Annual Theological Journal, str. 260-267, Hong – Kong, 2000.

  • Zdeněk Kučera, Das Absolute ist in sich selbst Relation, Trinitarische Spiritualität im 21. Jahrhundert, in: Spiritualität an der Wende des Zeitalters, str. 9-13; 117-129, Praha 2003.

  • Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture / Brevard S. Childs

  • Biblical theology of the Old and New Testament : theological reflection on the Christian Bible / Brevard S. Childs

  • Old testament theology in a canonical context / Brevard S. Childs

  • Theology of the Old Testament : with CD-ROM ; testimony, dispute, advocacy / Walter Brueggemann

  • Bible a postmoderní představivost : písmo jako scénář života / Walter Brueggemann

  • The book that breathes new life : scriptural authority and biblical theology / Walter Brueggemann ; edited by Patrick D. Miller

  • Old Testament theology : an introduction / Walter Brueggemann

  • An introduction to the Old Testament : the canon and Christian imagination / Walter Brueggemann

  • Hopeful imagination : prophetic voices in exile / Walter Brueggemann




Principles of scholarly (historical and contextual) exegesis of the Bible, categorizing erroneous approaches, demonstrating the ability to apply the principles.

Literatura: Sázava, Z., Metodika práce s biblickým textem (skriptum), Pokorný, P., Úvod do exegeze (1979), Marxsen, W., Exeget als Theologe


New Testament Christology: the Apostles John and Paul. Divine titles for Jesus.

Literatura: Novozákonní exegeze Jan 1,1-18 vč. starozákonního pozadí., Sázava, Z., Mistr a Pán. Blahoslav, Praha 1987, Mánek, J., Ježíš v nové teologické literatuře, in: ThR 1–2, 1976.


The theology of Luke’s writings. Special emphases. Concepts of time, the apostolate, history.

Literatura: Pokorný, P., Theologie Lukášových spisů (1998)., Mánek, J., Apoštolský dekret v kontextu Lukášovy teologie, in: ThR, in Communio viatorum, 2-3, 1972, Sázava Z., Vstaň a choď. Blahoslav, Praha 1974.

Literature: Details are in preparation.



Interpersonal communication. The content-meaning continuity of communication with the practical-theological disciplines. Practical-theological reflection on the means of communication in life, in worship, and in the ministry of the church.


Catechetics. Catechetics as a science, its division and mission within the practical-theological disciplines. Catechetics in the context of the humanities and interdisciplinary aspects of catechetics today.


Spiritual care. The relationship of spiritual care to counseling and its main types. Activities of spiritual care directed towards the psychological and spiritual health of a person.


  • Lawrence O. Richards, Creative Bible Teaching Moody Press, Chicago 1970, s. 67-178.

  • Howard J. Clinebell, JR., Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling. Abingdon Press, Nashville, New York, 1988, s. 318.

  • Mark R. McMinn, Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Coun seling. Tyndale House Publisher, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois,1996, s. 312.

  • Liguš, J., Medziludská komunikácia, Monografia, 1998.

  • Liguš, J., Teologická reflexe komunikačních procesů. Prakticko-teologická explikace, ThR 2/99, s. 39-54.

  • Liguš, J., Katechetika a pedagogika. In: Zden?k Ku?era, Bladimír Štverák et alii, Chrestomatie. Z dějin pedagogiky. Karolinum, 1999, s. 462-468.

  • Smolík, J., Závazek křtu. Základy katechetiky, Praha, Kalich 1974, s. 32-50.

  • Smolík, J., Pastýřská péče, Praha, Kalich, 1991, s. 233-258.



The Czech Reformation. A basic evaluation of the academic literature on the Czech Reformation.


Efforts to reform the Church in Western Christendom. Characteristics of the reformative and corrective attempts that have arisen in the Western Church since the Cluniac reform movement (tenth century), the heretical movements that were related to these corrective efforts, the preconditions of the Reformation, the devotio moderna, and the reform efforts within Catholicism after the Reformation (Febronianism, Jansenism).


The history of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. The literary production of this church, its antecedents, related reform movements, and brief biographies of its main personalities.


  • Zeman, J. K., The Hussite Movement and the Reformation in Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia 1350-1650, Ann Arbor 1977.

  • Urban, R., Die Tschechoslovakische hussitische Kirche, Marburg/Lahn 1973 (detailed knowledge).

  • Hrejsa, F., Dějiny křesťanství v Československu, díl II-IV.

  • Vooght,, Kacířství Jana Husa I.

  • Malcolm Lambert, Středověké hereze. Argo, Praha.

  • Winter, E., Josefinismus a jeho dějiny.

  • Sborník 50 let CČS, Praha 1970.

Literature: Details are in preparation.



A knowledge of normative Latin grammar in the range of grammars listed below and vocabulary in the range of assigned texts.


Form: an oral examination: this will consist of reading, translation, and linguistic interpretation (the interpretation of morphological and syntactic phenomena) of a selected text from the assigned passages.

Assigned texts

  • The Gospel of Luke (chapters 1–8)

  • Aurelius Augustinus, Confessiones (Liber I)



A knowledge of normative Greek grammar within the range of the textbooks listed below and vocabulary within the range of the assigned texts.


Form: an oral examination: this will consist of reading, translation, and linguistic interpretation (the interpretation of morphological and syntactic phenomena) of a selected text from the assigned passage..

Assigned texts

  • The Gospel of Mark (whole)

  • The Gospel of Luke (chapters 1–8)


  • Jacob Weingreen -A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew

  • L Strack, Hermann -Hebrew grammar ISBN:9789353921040

  • Wilhelm Gesenius - Hebrew Dicionary

Last change: September 8, 2022 12:19 
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