Elaboration of the dissertation project is a key part of doctoral study, where the student demonstrates the ability of independent scientific work and critical reflection of the topic. The dissertation must include original and published results or results accepted for publication. This part guarantees the control of the dissertation preparation process and is stored in the individual study plan for each year of study. Every year the fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by the credit awarded by the supervisor.
prof. ThDr. Jan Blahoslav Lášek
doc. ThDr. Jiří Vogel, Th.D.
doc. Jiří Beneš, Th.D.
Doctoral Dissertation Seminar I. is focused on the practice and theory of academic writing and methodology of the Hussite Theology/Jewish studies. The seminar is a platform of students of full-time and combined forms of study for the performance and subsequent discourse on the topics of the dissertation work, source base, methodology, progress of work, research approaches. The seminar is a space for sharing experiences from scientific stays abroad, professional conferences. It is a tool of regular contact of the student with the faculty and motivates to more effective work on the dissertation preparation. It takes place every two months. In the individual study plan, this obligation is imposed for each year of study. Every year, the fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by a credit awarded by a habilitated (academic or researcher) in an employment relationship with the faculty after approval by the Subject Council. He / she is also entitled to set individual obligations, which the student can substitute for the seminar in exceptional justified cases.
Doctoral Dissertation Seminar II. – III.
The seminar is a platform of students of full-time and combined forms of study for the performance and subsequent discourse on the topics of the dissertation work, source base, methodology, progress of work, research approaches. The seminar is a space for sharing experiences from scientific stays abroad, professional conferences. It is a tool of regular contact of the student with the faculty and motivates to more effective work on the dissertation preparation. It takes place every two months. In the individual study plan, this obligation is imposed for each year of study. Every year, the fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by a credit awarded by a habilitated (academic or researcher) in an employment relationship with the faculty after approval by the Subject Council. He / she is also entitled to set individual obligations, which the student can substitute for the seminar in exceptional justified cases.
Note: Course is intended for doctoral students only can be fulfilled in the future; you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester.
This part allows students to improve and add to their specialised knowledge of Hussite theology. The following thematic areas and subjects serve this purpose:
prof. ThDr. Jan Blahoslav Lášek
doc. ThDr. Jiří Vogel, Th.D.
doc. ThDr. Kamila Veverková, Ph.D.
The thematic area of Hussite Theology I. provides space for deeper study of the key and current problems of systematic Hussite theology and church history, through the study of scholarly and source literature and subsequent expert discussions with the examiner. As a rule, a lecture cycle is offered once a academic year. In an individual study plan, this obligation is imposed once per standard length of study and is usually planned to be completed by and including the third year of study. Fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by an exam with the result passed by the examiner.
Master J. Hus; Hussite directions; Czech and European Reformation. Different views and concept, source base.
Fr. Kutnar, J.Marek: Přehledné dějiny českého a slovenského dějepisectví, Praha 1997.
Soukup P., Jan Hus-život a smrt kazatele, Praha 2015.
Novotný V., Náboženské hnutí české ve 14. a 15. století, Praha 1915.
Vooght Paul, L´herésie de Jean Hus, Louvain 1995 (2. vyd.), česky v Theologické revue 1997-2002.
Vatican Council I and its reaction in the mirror of theology, philosophy and history; Evaluation of modernism as a whole and in individual language areas, including the source base.
Kaňák M., Z dějin světových zápasů o pokrok na poli náboženském. 1. Katolický modernismus, Praha 1961.
Budoucnost modernismu? Usp. I. Dolejšová a P. Hradílek, Praha 1999.
doc. ThDr. Jiří Vogel, Th.D.
JOEST, Wilfried. Dogmatik. Band 1., Die Wirklichkeit Gottes. 2. Aufl. Gőttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1987. 341 s.
JOEST, Wilfried. Dogmatik. Band 2., Der Weg Gottes mit dem Menschen. 2. Aufl. Gőttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990. 356 s.
KORSCH, Dietrich. Dogmatik im Grundriß : eine Einführung in die christliche Deutung menschlichen Lebens mit Gott. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2000. 293 s.
OTT, Heinrich, OTTE, Klaus. Die Antwort des Glaubens: Systematische Theologie in 50 Artikeln. 3. Auflage, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1999. 544 s.
RAHNER, Karl. Základy křesťanské víry. Přel. K. Říha et al. 2. vyd. Svitavy: Trinitas, 2004. 643 s.
TILLICH, Paul. Systematic Theology, Vol. I. - III. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I. 1973, II. 1975, III. 2011, I. 312 s., II. 195 s., III. 441 s.
WENZ, Gunther. Religion. Aspekte ihres Begriffs und ihrer Theorie in der Neuzeit. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005. 275 s. (Studium Systematische Theologie Bd. 1).
WENZ, Gunther. Offenbarung. Problemhorizonte moderner evangelischer Theologie. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005. 285 s. (Studium Systematische Theologie Bd. 2).
WENZ, Gunther. Kirche. Perspektiven reformatorischer Ekklesiologie in ökumenischer Absicht. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005. 284 s. (Studium Systematischer Theologie Bd. 3).
WENZ, Gunther. Gott : implizite Voraussetzungen christlicher Theologie. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007. 320 s. (Studium Systematische Theologie Bd. 4).
Note: Course is intended for doctoral students only can be fulfilled in the future; you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester.
doc. Jiří Beneš, Th.D.
prof. ThDr. Ján Liguš, Ph.D.
doc. PhDr. Jiří Pavlík, Ph.D.
Thematic area of Hussite theology II. provides a space for deeper study of key and current issues of biblical and practical theology through the study of scholarly and source literature and subsequent expert discussions with the examiner. As a rule, a lecture cycle is offered once a academic year. In an individual study plan, this obligation is imposed once per standard length of study and is usually planned to be completed by and including the third year of study.
doc. Jiří Beneš, Th.D.
doc. PhDr. Jiří Pavlík, Ph.D.
History of the field. Theological concept in the 20th century. Methodology of selected work.
RAD, Gerhard von. Old Testament theology. Volume 1., The theology of Israel's historical traditions. 5. ed. London: SCM, 1985. 483 s.
RAD, Gerhard von. Old Testament theology. Volume 2, The theology of Israel's prophetic traditions. 5. ed. London: SCM, 1985. xiii, 470 s. ISBN 0-334-01183-3.
RAD, Gerhard von. Theologie des Alten Testaments. Bd. 1, Die Theologie der geschichtlichen Überliefsrungen Israels. 4. Aufl. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1969. 511 s.
RAD, Gerhard von. Theologie des Alten Testaments. Bd. 2, Die Theologie der prophatischen Überlieferungen Israels. 5., durchgesch. und verbass. Aufl. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1969. 474 s.
History of the field. Theological concept in the 20th century. Methodology of selected work.
HATINA, T.R. Novozákonní teologie a hledání její závažnosti. Praha: Karolinum, 2018.
MARGUERAT, D. (ed.). Úvod do Nového zákona. Historie, písmo, teologie. Jihlava: Mlýn, 2014.
POKORNÝ, P. - HECKEL, U. Úvod do Nového zákona. Přehled literatury a teologie. Praha: Vyšehrad, 2013.
The doctoral student will study one of the following publications:
KOTROSITS, M. Rethinking Early Christian Identity. Affect, Violence, and Belonging. Fortress Press, 2015.
LIEU, J.M. Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World. Oxford University Press, 2004.
WENDEL, S. Scriptural Interpretation and Community Self-Definition in Luke-Acts and the Writings of Justin Martyr. Supplements to Novum Testamentum. Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2011.
prof. ThDr. Ján Liguš, Ph.D.
Ján Liguš, Tomáš Butta, Pavel Kolář a kol. Homiletika: Kazatelství v kontextu tradice a přítomnosti. Studie z homiletiky, 1. Vydání. Chomutova: Nakladatel L. Marek pro UK v Praze Husitskou teologickou fakultu, 2014, 318 s. ISBN 978-80-87127-69-8.
Ján Liguš a kol. Náboženská výchova a výuka. Sborník. Brno: Nakladatelství L. Marek, Husitská teologická fakulta UK. Katedra praktické teologie, ekumenismu a mezilidské komunikace, 2005, 172 s. ISBN 80-86263-59-2.
The doctoral student will study one of the following works of practical theology:
Handbuch der Praktischen Theologie. Erster Band. Die Praktische Theologie (Einführung). Gestalt, Aufbau und Ordnung der Kirche, Zur Person des Kirchlichen Amtsträgers, Erster Band. Bearbeitet von Heinrich Ammer, Jürgen Henkys et alii, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin, 1975. Ke studiu navrhuji části: 1-3 , tj. Stránky 7-227 Lizenz 420 205-8-75.
Franz Xaver Arnold - Karl Rahner et alii: Handbuch der Pastoraltheologie, Praktischer Theologie und der Kirche in ihrer Gegenwart, Band 1, 2.Zweite überarbeitete Auflage, Herder Verlag Freiburg in Breisgau, 1970, s. 249-293.
Stephen Pattison. The Challenge of Practical Theology. Selected Essays, 2007, 304 pp. ISBN 978-1-84310-453-7 .
Practical Theology in a Multidisciplinary Context. Edited by David Willows and John Swinton, 2001, 224 pp. ISBN 978-1-85302-892-2.
Otto Haendler. Grundriss der Praktischen Theologie. Alfred Töpelmann, Berlin W 35, 1957, s. 1-143, jde o : I.Kapitel, II.Kapitel.
Note: Course is intended for doctoral students only can be fulfilled in the future; you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester.
The student must sit an examination in one source language, in that they may choose between Greek and Hebrew.
doc. Jiří Beneš, Th.D.
doc. PhDr. Bedřich Nosek, CSc.
In an individual study plan, this obligation is imposed once per standard length of study and is usually planned to be completed by and including the third year of study. The student is obliged to pass the exam from one source language, with the choice between Greek and Hebrew. Fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by an exam with the result passed by the examiner. The aim is to equip PhD students for independent preparation for the Greek or Hebrew exam. The doctoral student works with lexicographical, grammar and literature. He / she consults the given test substance individually with the lecturer. The exam consists of reading, translating and grammatical interpretation of a given text from the Bible or another source text depending on the topic of the dissertation. The aim is to equip PhD students for independent preparation for the Hebrew language exam. The doctoral student works with lexicographical, grammar and literature. He / she consults the given test substance individually with the lecturer. The exam consists of reading, translating and grammatical interpretation of a given text from the Old Testament or from another source text also depending on the topic of the dissertation.
Syllabus: Lectors
Requirements to the exam
Hebrew Language Examination Requirements:
Grammatical Analysis of Text Dt 1-6
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (např. 1984)
Blahoslav Pípal: Hebrejsko-český slovník ke Starému zákonu (např. Praha 1974)
O.Klíma, S.Segert: Mluvnice hebrejštiny a aramejštiny (Praha 1956)
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only can be fulfilled in the future you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
doc. PhDr. Jiří Pavlík, Ph.D.
In an individual study plan, this obligation is imposed once per standard length of study and is usually planned to be completed by and including the third year of study. The student is obliged to pass the exam from one source language, with the choice between Greek and Hebrew. Fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by an exam with the result passed by the examiner. The aim is to equip PhD students for independent preparation for the Greek or Hebrew exam. The doctoral student works with lexicographical, grammar and literature. He / she consults the given test substance individually with the lecturer. The exam consists of reading, translating and grammatical interpretation of a given text from the Bible or another source text depending on the topic of the dissertation. The student prepares independently for the exam in the Greek language. The doctoral student works with lexicographical, grammar and literature. He / she consults the given test substance individually with the teacher. The exam consists of reading, translating and grammatical interpretation of a given text from the New Testament or from another source text.
Requirements to the exam: Lector
Compulsory study literature
BARTOŇ, Josef. Uvedení do novozákonní řečtiny. 4. vydání. Praha: Koniasch Latin Press, 2004. XII, 164 s. ISBN 80-86791-17-3.
Novum Testamentum Graece. Post Eberhard et Erwin Nestle; communiter ediderunt Barbara et Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger; apparatum criticum novis curis elaboraverunt Barbara et Kurt Aland una cum Instituto Studiorum Textus Novi Testamenti Monasterii Westphaliae. Editione vicesima septima revisa. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2001. [13], 89*, [3], 812 s.: mapy + příloha. ISBN 3-438-05100-1. (nebo novější vydání)
PAVLÍK, Jiří - MUCHNOVÁ, Dagmar. Základy gramatiky novozákonní řečtiny [on-line]. c2016. Dostupné na http://greek.herme.net/.
Optional study aids
Mobilní aplikace "Novozákonní řečtina" pro iOS a Android.
Additional and auxiliary literature
NIEDERLE, Jindřich - NIEDERLE, Václav - VARCL, Ladislav. Mluvnice jazyka řeckého. 2. vydání. Praha: Scriptum, 1993. 288 s. ISBN 80-85528-24-X.
PRACH, Václav - SCHULZ, Jaroslav Gustav. Řecko - český slovník. Attické tvary slovesné podle nápisů a rukopisů. 2. vydání. Praha: Vyšehrad, 2005. 728 s. ISBN 80-7021-796-0.
SOUČEK, Josef Bohumil. Řecko - český slovník k Novému zákonu. 6. vydání. Praha: Kalich, 2003. 374 s. ISBN 80-7017-853-1.
TICHÝ, Ladislav. Slovník novozákonní řečtiny. 1. vydání. Olomouc: Nakladatelství Burget, 2001. XII s., 192 s. ISBN 80-902798-5-6.
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only can be fulfilled in the future you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
The students are obliged to sit an examination in one world language, in that they may choose between English and German.
Gerald Robert Ostdiek, BA, M.A., Ph.D.
JUDr. ThDr. Mgr. Květoslav Tomáš Krejčí, M.Phil., Ph.D., Ph.D.
In an individual study plan, this obligation is imposed once per standard length of study and is usually planned to be completed by and including the third year of study. Fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by an exam with the result passed by the examiner. The course confirms the active knowledge of one world language (English or German) at least at the C1 level. Students must be able to present research results in writing and orally. Reading professional texts related to the topic of the dissertation, processing of annotations of specialized literature on the topic of the dissertation.
Syllabus: Lectors
Strettiová, Terezie Josefa, OP. Anglicko - český teologický slovník. 3. vydání. Praha: Karolinum, 2004. 82 s. ISBN 80-246-0867-7.
Fronek, Josef. Velký anglicko-český a česko-anglický slovník. 1. vydání. Voznice: Leda, 2007. 1576 s. ISBN 978-80-7335-114-4
Good News Bible: Today’s English Version. [S.l.]: United Bible Societies, 1990. 931 s. ISBN 0-564-00421-9.
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only can be fulfilled in the future you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Ing. Dagmar Pavlíková
In an individual study plan, this obligation is imposed once per standard length of study and is usually planned to be completed by and including the third year of study. Fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by an exam with the result passed by the examiner. The course confirms the active knowledge of one world language (English or German) at least at the C1 level. Students must be able to present research results in writing and orally. Reading professional texts related to the topic of the dissertation, processing of annotations of specialized literature on the topic of the dissertation.
1) The PhD student selects one of several texts available in Moodle UK. The selected text will be analyzed in the form of a presentation and presentation on one and a half or two A4 standard pages in written form. He then proves his or her language skills orally.
2) He will receive a professional text in the range of two A4 pages directly at the exam and prepare a short presentation and explanation of this professional text within 30 - 40 minutes.
3) The last part of the exam is to read and understand the old German text written by the curator (Kurrentschrift).
Dreyer, Hilke - Schmitt, Richard. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. 1. vydání. Ismaning: Max Hueber Verlag, 2000. 360 s., 2 s. přílohy. ISBN 3-19-007255-8.
Lösungsschlüssel zum Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. 1. Auflage. Ismaning: Max Hueber Verlag, 2001. 68 s. ISBN 3-19-107255-1.
Pavlíková, Dagmar. Malý německo - český a česko - německý teologický slovník A - Z. 1. vydání. Brno: L. Marek, 2002. 48 s. ISBN 80-86263-29-0.
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only can be fulfilled in the future you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
This part allows students to master skills in relation to research activities through other specialised activities.
The following serve this purpose:
An internship abroad provides students with the opportunity to gain international experience in their field. The student is obliged to complete an internship abroad for a minimum of three months. In justified cases, the Subject Area Board may dismiss the traineeship or decide to adequately fulfill this obligation in another form. (The reasonableness of the application is always considered taking into account the specific situation of the doctoral student, eg a student of combined studies, a student caring for a close person, a student bound by specific obligations towards the employer, a disabled student, etc.) one-month internship supplemented by active participation in 2 international seminars or 2 international conferences with publications (professional article, conference proceedings, etc.).
The student actively cooperates on the administrative assurance of the fulfillment of the obligation of the individual study plan - internship abroad with the dept. sciences HTF.
Assumption of involvement of Ph.D. student is only allowed to proceed to the second year of doctoral study at the request of the student to the ISR Board. The application for the change of the ISP contains a concrete proposal for teaching and the consent of the supervisor and the head of the relevant department. Ph.D. student can lead independent
lessons in selected seminars and exercises only in direct connection with the study. They must not give lectures independently. Students in full-time form of study are determined by the content of activities that are designed as a preparation for further academic activities at the university. Their content and method of determination are determined by the head of
the relevant department in cooperation with the supervisors.
The student actively cooperates on the administrative assurance of the fulfillment of the obligation of the individual study plan - internship abroad with the dept. sciences HTF.
Further scientific activity provides the student with space for gaining experience with various forms of scientific work. The student demonstrates his/her competence in scientific creative work.
In an individual study plan, this obligation is usually imposed continuously for the duration of the standard period of study - while the student is obliged to fulfill each of the following obligations at least once during the standard period of study:
publishing critical reviews in a professional periodical;
publication of a scientific study or article in a professional periodical or chapter in a professional monograph or monograph;
submitting a grant project;
active participation in an international conference and publication of a conference paper in a peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Popularization lectures and educational activities are not considered a duty of further scientific activity.
Fulfillment of the obligation is confirmed by a credit awarded by the supervisor - habilitated (academic or scientific worker) after assessment of the student's written report on the ways of fulfilling the obligation.
After consultation with the supervisor and after approval by the Subject Area Board, the student prepares two thirty-minute lectures on different topics different from the dissertation topic. The lecture must be devoted to specific problems. The lecturer must characterize the state of their solution, the current state of research, present their own critical opinion and demonstrate their professional competence. The committee for the state doctoral examination chooses on the spot one of the prepared topics. In the following discussion, the student answers the questions raised and defends his / her position. The exam is oral.
Hussite Theological Faculty
Charles University
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Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 222 539 200
Fax: +420 241 732 294