Ve spolupráci s Ústřední knihovnou Univerzity Karlovy pořídil doktorský studijní program Raně křesťanská studia nové odborné publikace v elektronické formě. Nákup byl hrazen z projektu PhD Infra a čítá 109 publikací. Publikace jsou přístupné studentům i zaměstnancům přes univerzitní vyhledávač UKAŽ. Pro další informace k nákupu, kontaktujte, prosím doc. Jiřího Gebelta ( ).
A Handbook to Old Testament Exegesis
Abraham’s family: a network of meaning in Judaism Christianity and Islam.
Alexandria: hub of the Hellenistic world
Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies: A Guide to the Background Literature
Antike Fluchtafeln und das Neue Testament: Materialität-Ritualpraxis- Texte 2021
Antike christliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung. 7. Aufl. der von Edgar Hennecke begründeten und von Wilhelm Schneemelcher fortgeführten Sammlung der neutestamentlichen Apokryphen [komplett neubearb. und um viele Texte erg.].
Aramaic Bowl Spells Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Bowls Volume Two
Aramaic incantation bowls in museum collections
Aramaic magic bowls in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin: descriptive list and edition of selected texts
Art craft and theology in fourth- century Christian authors
Artifact text context: studies on Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia
Augustine’s conversion from traditional free choice to „non-free free will": a comprehensive methodology.
Augustine’s text of John: patristic citations and Latin Gospel manuscripts.
Augustins Trinitätslehre praktisch: katechese liturgie predigt ritual und unterweisung auf dem weg zur taufe.
Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural Social and Historical Contexts
Being „in Christ in the letters of Paul: saved through Christ and in his hands.
Biblical Theology of the New Testament
Clement and scriptural exegesis: the making of a commentarial theologian. First edition.
Clement of Alexandria and the beginnings of Christian apophaticism.
Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash Volume 3 Romans through Revelation
Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Volume 1 Matthew
Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Volume 2 Mark through Acts
Contemplation and classical christianity: a study in Augustine.
Demons and illness from antiquity to the early-modern period.
Der Adammythos bei Paulus und im hellenistischen Judentum Jerusalems: eine theologische undreligionsgeschichtliche Studie zu Römer 77-25.
Designs for the church in the Gospel of John: collected essays 1980-2020.
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels
Dictionary of New Testament Background A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship
Die Pseudoklementinen. Band III/1: Konkordanz zu den Pseudoklementinen.
Die Pseudoklementinen. Konkordanz zu den Pseudoklementinen. Zweiter Teil: Griechisches Wortregister Syrisches Wortregister Index nominum Stellenregister
Die Pseudoklementinen: Band I: Homilien
Die Pseudoklementinen: Band II: Rekognitionen in Rufins Übersetzung.
Die Trostschriften des Ambrosius von Mailand: „Consolatio mortis im Denken der Spätantike
Early Christian commentators of the New Testament: essays on their aims methods and strategies.
Exegesis and history of reception: reading the New Testament today with the readers of the past.
Exegetische und theologische Studien.
From Roman to early Christian Cyprus: studies in religion and archaeology.
From scribes to scholars: rabbinic biblical exegesis in light of the Homeric commentaries
Genres of Rewriting in Second Temple Judaism
Gleichnisse und Parabeln in der frühchristlichen Literatur: methodische Konzepte religionshistorische Kontexte theologische Deutungen
Guilty of Genius: Origen and the theory of transmigration.
Haggadah in early Judaism and the New Testament
Hellenistic Jewish literature and the New Testament: collected essays.
History and theology in the gospels: seventh International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars Moscow September 26 to October 1 2016.
Hypatia of Alexandria: her context and legacy
Invitation to Syriac Christianity: an anthology.
Jairus’s daughter and the haemorrhaging woman: tradition and interpretation of an early Christian miracle story.
Jewish love magic: from late antiquity to the Middle Ages.
Jews and Syriac Christians: intersections across the first millenium.
Johannes Chrysostomos und die Christianisierung der Polis: „Damit die Städte Städte werden.
Journey back to God: origen on the problem of evil.
Juden Christen und Vereine im Römischen Reich.
Justice and mercy in the Apocalypse of Peter: a new translation and analysis of the purpose of the text.
Law and justice in Jerusalem Babylon and Hellas
Luke as narrative theologian: texts and topics.
Narsai: rethinking his work and his world.
Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction
Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide
On using sources in Graeco-Roman Jewish and early Christian literature
Origen and Hellenism: the interplay between Greek and Christian ideas in late antiquity
Origen and scripture: the contours of the exegetical life.
Origen: an introduction to his life and thought
Origen: new fragments from the commentary on Matthew: Codices Sabaiticus 232 & Holy Cross 104 Jerusalem.
Origen’s references to Heracleon: a quotation- analytical study of the earliest known commentary on the gospel of John.
Paul and the ancient celebrity circuit: the cross and moral transformation.
Perspektiven zur Präexistenz im Frühjudentum und frühen Christentum
Peter in the Early Church
Prayer and the ancient city: influences of urban space.
Pseudoklementinen. Band IV: Die Klemens-Biographie.
Qumran early Judaism and New Testament interpretation.
Religiöse Kommunikation im Umbrischen und Hethitischen: Fachsprachlichkeit in Ritualtexten und Gebeten.
Re-making the world: Christianity and categories: essays in honor of Karen L. King.
Roman nobilitas in Jerome’s letters: Roman values and Christian asceticism for socialites.
Sceptic and believer in ancient Mediterranean religions.
Scriptures in the making: texts and their transmission in late Second Temple Judaism.
Scriptures sacred traditions and strategies of religious subversion: studies in discourse with the work of Guy G. Stroumsa.
Self self-fashioning and individuality in Late Antiquity: new perspectives.
Sexuality and gender: collected essays.
Spiritual direction as a medical art in early christian monasticism.
Studien zum Korpus der johanneischen Schriften: Evangelium Briefe Apokalypse Akten.
Studien zum Petrusevangelium.
Studies in the Syriac magical traditions.
Studies on Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries.
Tertullians Schrift „Adversus Valentinianos: die argumentative Widersetzung Tertullians gegen dieValentinianer als ein in rhetorischer Perspektive geschlossenes Werk.
Texts in context: essays on dating and contextualising Christian writings from the second and early third centuries
Textwelt und Theologie des Johannesevangeliums: gesammelte Schriften (1996-2020).
The commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians.
The Byzantine text-type and New Testament textual criticism
The Case for Biblical Archaeology: Uncovering the Historical Record of God's Old Testament People
The concepts of the divine in the Greek magical papyri.
The Crucible of Religion in Late Antiquity.
The early history of the Syriac liturgy: growth adaptation and inculturation.
The future of New Testament textual scholarship: from H.C. Hoskier to the „Editio Critica Maior and beyond
The Gospel of Mary
The Gospel of Matthew in its historical and theological context: papers from the International Conference in Moscow September 24 to 28 2018
The gospels and their receptions: Festschrift Joseph Verheyden.
The Jesus Handbook
The library of paradise: a history of contemplative reading in the monasteries of the church of the east.
The Nag Hammadi codices and late antique Egypt.
The oldest gospel and the formation of the canonical gospels.
The origins of New Testament theology: a dialogue with Hans Dieter Betz.
The Oxford handbook of Origen. First edition.
The Pharisees
The sources of Celsus’s criticism of Jesus: Theological developments in the Second Century AD.
The syriac Pseudo- Clementines: an early version of the first christian novel.
Theology and practice in early Christianity: essays new and old with updated reception histories.
Tora und Weisheit: Studien zur frühjüdischen Literatur.
Unity and disunity in Greek and Christian thought under the Roman Peace.
Ve spolupráci s Ústřední knihovnou Univerzity Karlovy pořídil doktorský studijní program Raně křesťanská studia nové odborné publikace v elektronické formě. Nákup byl hrazen z projektu PhD Infra a čítá 109 publikací. Publikace jsou přístupné studentům i zaměstnancům přes univerzitní vyhledávač UKAŽ. Pro další informace k nákupu, kontaktujte, prosím doc. Jiřího Gebelta ( ).
Husitská teologická fakulta
Univerzita Karlova
Pacovská 350/4
P.O.BOX 56
140 21 Praha 4
Telefon: +420 222 539 200
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pondělí až čtvrtek: 7:00–19:30
pátek: 7:00-18:30
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