12. března 2025

Fakulta zakoupila nové elektronické publikace

Ve spolupráci s Ústřední knihovnou Univerzity Karlovy pořídil doktorský studijní program Raně křesťanská studia nové odborné publikace v elektronické formě. Nákup byl hrazen z projektu PhD Infra a čítá 109 publikací. Publikace jsou přístupné studentům i zaměstnancům přes univerzitní vyhledávač UKAŽ. Pro další informace k nákupu, kontaktujte, prosím doc. Jiřího Gebelta ( ).

Zakoupené publikace:

  • A Handbook to Old Testament Exegesis

  • Abraham’s family: a network of meaning in Judaism Christianity and Islam.

  • Alexandria: hub of the Hellenistic world

  • Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies: A Guide to the Background Literature

  • Antike Fluchtafeln und das Neue Testament: Materialität-Ritualpraxis- Texte 2021

  • Antike christliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung. 7. Aufl. der von Edgar Hennecke begründeten und von Wilhelm Schneemelcher fortgeführten Sammlung der neutestamentlichen Apokryphen [komplett neubearb. und um viele Texte erg.].

  • Aramaic Bowl Spells Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Bowls Volume Two

  • Aramaic incantation bowls in museum collections

  • Aramaic magic bowls in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin: descriptive list and edition of selected texts

  • Art craft and theology in fourth- century Christian authors

  • Artifact text context: studies on Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia

  • Augustine’s conversion from traditional free choice to „non-free free will": a comprehensive methodology.

  • Augustine’s text of John: patristic citations and Latin Gospel manuscripts.

  • Augustins Trinitätslehre praktisch: katechese liturgie predigt ritual und unterweisung auf dem weg zur taufe.

  • Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural Social and Historical Contexts

  • Being „in Christ in the letters of Paul: saved through Christ and in his hands.

  • Biblical Theology of the New Testament

  • Clement and scriptural exegesis: the making of a commentarial theologian. First edition.

  • Clement of Alexandria and the beginnings of Christian apophaticism.

  • Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash Volume 3 Romans through Revelation

  • Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Volume 1 Matthew

  • Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Volume 2 Mark through Acts

  • Contemplation and classical christianity: a study in Augustine.

  • Demons and illness from antiquity to the early-modern period.

  • Der Adammythos bei Paulus und im hellenistischen Judentum Jerusalems: eine theologische undreligionsgeschichtliche Studie zu Römer 77-25.

  • Designs for the church in the Gospel of John: collected essays 1980-2020.

  • Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels

  • Dictionary of New Testament Background A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship

  • Die Pseudoklementinen. Band III/1: Konkordanz zu den Pseudoklementinen.

  • Die Pseudoklementinen. Konkordanz zu den Pseudoklementinen. Zweiter Teil: Griechisches Wortregister Syrisches Wortregister Index nominum Stellenregister

  • Die Pseudoklementinen: Band I: Homilien

  • Die Pseudoklementinen: Band II: Rekognitionen in Rufins Übersetzung.

  • Die Trostschriften des Ambrosius von Mailand: „Consolatio mortis im Denken der Spätantike

  • Early Christian commentators of the New Testament: essays on their aims methods and strategies.

  • Exegesis and history of reception: reading the New Testament today with the readers of the past.

  • Exegetische und theologische Studien.

  • From Roman to early Christian Cyprus: studies in religion and archaeology.

  • From scribes to scholars: rabbinic biblical exegesis in light of the Homeric commentaries

  • Genres of Rewriting in Second Temple Judaism

  • Gleichnisse und Parabeln in der frühchristlichen Literatur: methodische Konzepte religionshistorische Kontexte theologische Deutungen

  • Guilty of Genius: Origen and the theory of transmigration.

  • Haggadah in early Judaism and the New Testament

  • Hellenistic Jewish literature and the New Testament: collected essays.

  • History and theology in the gospels: seventh International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars Moscow September 26 to October 1 2016.

  • Hypatia of Alexandria: her context and legacy

  • Invitation to Syriac Christianity: an anthology.

  • Jairus’s daughter and the haemorrhaging woman: tradition and interpretation of an early Christian miracle story.

  • Jewish love magic: from late antiquity to the Middle Ages.

  • Jews and Syriac Christians: intersections across the first millenium.

  • Johannes Chrysostomos und die Christianisierung der Polis: „Damit die Städte Städte werden.

  • Journey back to God: origen on the problem of evil.

  • Juden Christen und Vereine im Römischen Reich.

  • Justice and mercy in the Apocalypse of Peter: a new translation and analysis of the purpose of the text.

  • Law and justice in Jerusalem Babylon and Hellas

  • Luke as narrative theologian: texts and topics.

  • Narsai: rethinking his work and his world.

  • Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction

  • Old Testament Use of Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Guide

  • On using sources in Graeco-Roman Jewish and early Christian literature

  • Origen and Hellenism: the interplay between Greek and Christian ideas in late antiquity

  • Origen and scripture: the contours of the exegetical life.

  • Origen: an introduction to his life and thought

  • Origen: new fragments from the commentary on Matthew: Codices Sabaiticus 232 & Holy Cross 104 Jerusalem.

  • Origen’s references to Heracleon: a quotation- analytical study of the earliest known commentary on the gospel of John.

  • Paul and the ancient celebrity circuit: the cross and moral transformation.

  • Perspektiven zur Präexistenz im Frühjudentum und frühen Christentum

  • Peter in the Early Church

  • Prayer and the ancient city: influences of urban space.

  • Pseudoklementinen. Band IV: Die Klemens-Biographie.

  • Qumran early Judaism and New Testament interpretation.

  • Religiöse Kommunikation im Umbrischen und Hethitischen: Fachsprachlichkeit in Ritualtexten und Gebeten.

  • Re-making the world: Christianity and categories: essays in honor of Karen L. King.

  • Roman nobilitas in Jerome’s letters: Roman values and Christian asceticism for socialites.

  • Sceptic and believer in ancient Mediterranean religions.

  • Scriptures in the making: texts and their transmission in late Second Temple Judaism.

  • Scriptures sacred traditions and strategies of religious subversion: studies in discourse with the work of Guy G. Stroumsa.

  • Self self-fashioning and individuality in Late Antiquity: new perspectives.

  • Sexuality and gender: collected essays.

  • Spiritual direction as a medical art in early christian monasticism.

  • Studien zum Korpus der johanneischen Schriften: Evangelium Briefe Apokalypse Akten.

  • Studien zum Petrusevangelium.

  • Studies in the Syriac magical traditions.

  • Studies on Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries.


  • Tertullians Schrift „Adversus Valentinianos: die argumentative Widersetzung Tertullians gegen dieValentinianer als ein in rhetorischer Perspektive geschlossenes Werk.

  • Texts in context: essays on dating and contextualising Christian writings from the second and early third centuries

  • Textwelt und Theologie des Johannesevangeliums: gesammelte Schriften (1996-2020).

  • The commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians.

  • The Byzantine text-type and New Testament textual criticism

  • The Case for Biblical Archaeology: Uncovering the Historical Record of God's Old Testament People

  • The concepts of the divine in the Greek magical papyri.

  • The Crucible of Religion in Late Antiquity.

  • The early history of the Syriac liturgy: growth adaptation and inculturation.

  • The future of New Testament textual scholarship: from H.C. Hoskier to the „Editio Critica Maior and beyond

  • The Gospel of Mary

  • The Gospel of Matthew in its historical and theological context: papers from the International Conference in Moscow September 24 to 28 2018

  • The gospels and their receptions: Festschrift Joseph Verheyden.

  • The Jesus Handbook

  • The library of paradise: a history of contemplative reading in the monasteries of the church of the east.

  • The Nag Hammadi codices and late antique Egypt.

  • The oldest gospel and the formation of the canonical gospels.

  • The origins of New Testament theology: a dialogue with Hans Dieter Betz.

  • The Oxford handbook of Origen. First edition.

  • The Pharisees

  • The sources of Celsus’s criticism of Jesus: Theological developments in the Second Century AD.

  • The syriac Pseudo- Clementines: an early version of the first christian novel.

  • Theology and practice in early Christianity: essays new and old with updated reception histories.

  • Tora und Weisheit: Studien zur frühjüdischen Literatur.

  • Unity and disunity in Greek and Christian thought under the Roman Peace.

Ve spolupráci s Ústřední knihovnou Univerzity Karlovy pořídil doktorský studijní program Raně křesťanská studia nové odborné publikace v elektronické formě. Nákup byl hrazen z projektu PhD Infra a čítá 109 publikací. Publikace jsou přístupné studentům i zaměstnancům přes univerzitní vyhledávač UKAŽ. Pro další informace k nákupu, kontaktujte, prosím doc. Jiřího Gebelta ( ).

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Husitská teologická fakulta

Univerzita Karlova

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Telefon: +420 222 539 200

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pondělí až čtvrtek: 7:00–19:30

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